A payment may fail for several reasons. The first thing to check is whether you may have entered your card details incorrectly. The second is whether there are sufficient funds available on your card. Once those issues have been addressed, all you need to do is select a new order generation date and we will deliver your order then.
Sometimes you may find it’s easier to add a new card. To do this, simply follow the steps below.
Assigning a new card to your repeat order
1. Log in to your account and click on “My account” and “My wallet”
2. Click on Add card, where you can add the details of an alternative debit or credit card.
3. Click on “My orders” and “Repeat orders” then click on the button “Manage delivery” to assign your new card to your repeat order.
4. Next, click on the “Edit” link under your current payment method and a pop-up window will open. Select the new card you just added, save your selection and close the window.
5. Finally, you may want to select a new delivery date for your repeat order. To do this, click on “Change delivery date” and a calendar will pop up. There, select a date that is suitable for you, click on “Update” and close the window. That's it – all done!
Your order will now be processed using the new card you have added and delivered on the date you have selected.
Don’t have another card? No worries, give us a call on 020 8089 3880 so we can suggest an alternative solution. We’re available from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 5pm and Friday from 8am to 4pm.